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You know who u are...

Hier is een ode aan alle mannen die single pilot hardball IFR cargo hebben gevlogen terwijl je ballen onder je lichaam vandaan aan het vriezen waren in je 30 jaar oude Chieftain, C310 of MU2...

Het mooie is dat het meeste wat hier onder staat zo verschrikkelijk waar is allemaal..... Niet in mijn geval natuurlijk. Im just saying...




You put your cig out in your spitcan @ Fl 190 somewhere over the midwest at o-dark thirty.

If you get asked once a month by center how long your outfit is gonna stay in business.

You have an MEL but you're scared to read it, " Ah hell, this sh&* all failed enroute, honest !

You watch about every sunrise while rubbing monkey-grease off your stubbled chin, ( what is that stuff anyway ???!! )

You are lower on the social ladder than the guy who just threw some kero in your ancient batterd T-prop.

You got more severe weather flying under your belt than the Hurricane Hunters.

VMO stands for ' Variable Max Operating Speed '

You've had the otto-pilot disconnect while rummaging in the back for something to pi$$ in. ( true ! )

You've exceeded the ' demonstrated ' x-wind and every other **CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED** wind component listed in your 'luminum steed's POH, by over 200 percent.

The Fed gets a scared look when you offer 'em a ride while they're ramping you.

You wash your hands before you take a leak.

.....if you have ever taken off and the tower calls and says "Texstar XXX, you seem to have some yellow thingy hanging from your aircraft". You reply, "It probably won't be there when I get to Tulsa!".

You fly past your destination, only to have center wake you up.

You have the airlines hold on the ground for weather....while you...."the little guy"....checks it out for them.

You know you’re a freight dog when you see the FBO girl put out cookies and say to yourself “dinners going to be good tonight…

Your idea flight planning is making sure you have a coke in your flight bag.

You've ever used a "contact approach" when tower is calling 1/4mi and 100vv

Your motto is "don't check the weather, when you see the weather you get scared"

If you park on a part of the airport known for gunshots and driveby shootings (BHM)

FAR = Frequently Abused Rules

Center asks you if you can 'make the tight turn to join' and you just laugh

Your company departure mins. are "if you can find it on the ramp you can take off"

your companies motto is: Why deviate if you can penetrate ?

"Your reading this at 5am because you just got home from work"

"Your reading this at 2am in the pilot lounge somwhere between your 4th and 6th leg"

you have to refuel and de-ice your airplane by yourself in -40 F.

Climb through a ladder to get inside the cockpit.

You have to use a oxygen canula so you don't pass out at FL 190.

The airplane does not have an auto pilot and you're single pilot IFR.

you use the map mode on your sh!ty green radar as makeshift DME to an airport with only an NDB approach.

OP includes the '10% rule'

Your idea of weight and ballance is looking to see how flat the nose strut looks when you climb in

You have not done a daylight landing in the past six months.

ATC advises you of smoother air at a different altitude, and you don't care.

Your D O mysteriously changes your max. takeoff weight during the holiday season.

Every FBO makes you park out of sight of their building.

You have ever walked barefoot through the FBO because you just woke up

you might be a fr8dog if you flirt with the hot chick that works at the FBO and she totally hates you.

You might be a freight dog if you date the not hot chick that works behind the counter, since she's the only girl that you've seen in three months and you have a six hour break at the airport.

You might be a frieght dog if your multi-engine "feathered" time competes with your time in actual IMC

How about if you think the girl behind the counter is hot, and if you saw her "a few years ago" when you actually had a social life you would realize that she is right out of the trailer park.

You might be a freight dog if you have had multiple engine failures, electrical failures, etc., but you have NEVER declared an emergency!

....if you lost an engine 300 NM ago but you had enough gas from cross-feeding to make your destination.

you havent had a weather brief in months

you wear the same shirt for a week...and no one complains

airlines hold and wait for you to "test the squall line"

your airplane has belonged to more than 10 companies

center mispronounces your callsign more than three times in one night

you show up to the fbo early and a G4 pilot asks you to carry his luggage

you refuse to accept vectors around weather

you call for the hotel van...and they cant understand where you are on the airport

...If the FAA inspector walks the other way because he doesn't want to deal with all of the paper work that would be involved.

ATC advises you of a better ride at another altitude, and you don't care!

.....your sitting in an RJ looking at the floor wondering what it looks like in the cargo config.

When TRACON vectors you number one ahead of all the 121 heavies for the ILS after a cell has passed over the field.

... if you've lifted the rvr to 1800 by using your cell phone to deliver a pizza to the tower..

...RVR600 and tower asks what RVR you need to land, they give it to you long enough to get inside the marker, then change it right back because they dont want Eagle to try the same thing who has been holding behind you for 90 minutes.

...tower asks what speed you can give to the marker, and you tell em 180 to the numbers (caravan). they come back and ask if that isnt more than VNO and you reply that your number was in groundspeed, as you reach down and pull the overspeed breaker (4th row down, 5th breaker in) so they cant hear the warning over freq.

...another angle on the ATIS wakeup call is the FD. arm approach mode, fly in heading mode. set an intercept ~30 miles out and i guarantee when the plane banks 30 degrees to grab the localizer you will wake up! ...so im told

...you can paint the "floor" of Class Charlie with the Beacon on your tail and the "walls" with a nav light; if it can save ten minutes of routing/vectors.


"Southwest 1001, traffic 11 o'clock & 2 miles, southwest bound, 1,700 indicated. Look for a Navajo without windows and needing a paint job."

"Departure, SWA1001 traffic in sight. Looks like a ho' licking the icing off the cake."

If ya tie a flash-light to a runway light to raise the RVR, then take off before the batteries slowly go dead.
(True story....No furter details... )

...if you have ever done your taxes, paid bills, or reconciled your bank account during your 3rd and 4th legs.

(freightdog radio etiquette)
Freightdog: "Center, how about direct?"
Center: "How are you gonna navigate direct, seeing you are a /A?"
Freightdog: "With that heading you are gonna give me."

When you say hi to the neighbors getting your mail each morning with a Budweiser (breakfast) in your hand.

Even though you never used to read, you're averaging 2 books a week now.........without an otto-pilot, of course.

Mooi is dat bovenstaande allemaal zo waar is.... Nogmaals, ik spreek niet uit ervaring... Heb het gehoord van derden natuurlijk.


... wanneer je cruise flight een prima moment vind om je W&B te maken....

... Je tijdens je interview bij FedEx de vraag krijgt van de chef vlieger of de koekies in Fargo, ND nogsteeds gratis zijn..

(nogmaals, enkel van horen zeggen..)
Er komt me een hoop, en ik neem aan metrodriver ook, bekend voor van de 727 cargo days. 3 Dagen zonder outopilot op FL350, Yeeeehaaaa. Old school baby :yeehaa:. Wat?.... maar 4 MEL's vandaag? Are you sure? In Austin, TX cleared for TO, tower stanby....., company want's us to return for 1...:eek: yes 1 pallet. 1 Pallet? Okidoki, cancell TO clearance, stay with me to the ramp.

:cool: Biscane :cool:
Heerlijk. en leren vliegen dat je ervan doet... 10 kleuren schijten.. wel eens een thunder/snow shower geahd ??? CB's thunderstorm en sneeuw blizard... bizar..... je breekt uit de shit, land en 10 seconden later gaat de RVR omlaag... yeah right...

ooh yeah and ehh tower; ya'll gotta outbound clearence for me ? (while over the numbers)
You might be a freight dog if...

the Corpus Christi TWR controller couldn't stay awake till three in the morning when you arrived.

if the smell of chicken shit doesn't bother you anymore during take-off

Heerlijk, alles is waar in je post FD, da's eigenlijk het erge, in de korte tijd maak je dit allemaal mee

(1 1/2 jr overnight freight in Bonanza en Baron als referentie)
You know who you are brother!

Dat over de feds is ook so true..... Hoe ik mn w&b maak ?? well you add some stuff and then retract some shit..
You might be a very stupid dangerous pilot if... en dan datzelfde lijstje.

Zonder iemand van deze tough guys te willen beschadigen of het op het persoonlijke vlak te gooien: wat vinden jullie er van wanneer de stelling zo neergelegd zou worden?

Fly safely,

Ga het niet eens uitleggen /verdedigen... Uiteraard doe je bepaalde shit niet.. voor de rest... knuffeltje?

mooie avater trouwens.
Laatst bewerkt:


Ach Koenemans, je vliegt met dozen, niet met pax. Als het eens turbulent wordt dan zal niemand er om malen. Je kijkt even links en rechts of de vleugels eraan zitten en je gaat lekker door.

De vrachttoko's waar al deze kreten vandaan komen hebben het niet breed en er word dus af en toe wat geklooid met regels. Niet accepteren is makkelijk gezegd en opstappen is no problemo. Voor jou velen anderen die hun cfi baantje opgeven om eens echt IFR te mogen vliegen en multi te scoren.

Je moet het geheel zien, Amerikaanse werkomstandigheden, je bent jong en je wilt uren bouwen, je vliegt 's nachts dus wie ziet mij, halfgare toestellen die vliegen (maar daar houdt alles ook mee op). Je zit er midden in en weet op een gegeven moment niet beter.

(Ik heb heus wel eens gecancelled en dat werd geaccepteerd, maar het moest niet te vaak gebeuren, die indruk krijg je heus wel als je met HQ belt)

In die anderhalf jaar met vracht op pad heb ik vele gekke dingen gedaan die nu niet meer door mij gedaan worden. Maar in die tijd heb ik ook meer geleerd over vliegen dan in welke manual ook staat, positief bedoeld.

Tsja vrachtvliegen, een fase in je leven waar je even doorheen moet.:yeehaa:
Het is dan misschien geen cargo hauling maar ik denk dat deze ook wel aardig is.

You know that you´re flying in eastern europe when:

You request clearance by stating "we are non RNAV" even though you have a "brand new" -300 under your but"

You hear the captain say several times during the flight "when I was in aeroflot...."

You hear the same captain say several times as well "don´t worry I know what I´m doing"

The captain wants to use wing anti ice to de-ice the wing, because the morning rush waiting line is so long.

Ook dit is natuurlijk allemaal van hearsay.
You know your flying in Italy when :

Bij elke freq.change je "squawk idente please" krijgt.
Je daarvoor eerst drie keer hebt moet roepen voor je uberhaupt antwoord krijgt.
Controller al aardig gestressed klinkt en al met een chigago o'hare achtige "break break" tussen twee instructies begint (en dat bij twee kisten op de freq)
Je op je destination een "geading 320 forre di modified base" krijgt.
Daarna cleared wordt "forre di ILS noglide" (GP inop niet in notams of atis vermeld)
Je weer weg wil taxieën maar 20 minuten moet wachten omdat de hele Alitalia armada eerst weg moet.

geen hearsay helaas
Italie erin betrekken is niet eerlijk. Dan kunnen we bezig blijven.

Oei zo kapen we wel FD´s topic. Misschien moeten we maar een "you know you´re in..." topic starten.
You're in topic

You're in topic


Goed idee dat "you know you're in" topic.

Alhoewel ik me niet voor kan stellen dat FD zich er druk om zou maken dat er hier van die lekkere anekdotes worden gepost.

En over Italie ken ik er ook nog wel een paar, helemaal ATC wise!!

