Recessie pakt nu echt door...

From the Frontlines

From the Frontlines

A friend of mine flies for JAL based in Honolulu. Been with them for 17 years.

Got his notice about 10 days ago. His "reward" for 17 years of service? 30 days notice.

Nice. :(

At my company all contracts for those over 60 are not being renewed.

They've also stopped paying the end of contract bonus (1month salary/year of service). The contract gives them this option but they've always paid it before.

3 of the 5 A320 Captains who were laid off have had their contracts extended by 3 months.

So far Expat contracts are being renewed. My contract runs to the end of March 2010.

On the positive side all the flights I'm doing are full. The Airline is still losing money but the Group is profitable.
Zat laatst met een Amerikaan te lullen die A380 vloog voor EK, die vertelde me dat ie laatst DXB-JFK had gevlogen met 50 (!) passagiers aan boord....