gaat het met de luchtvaart goed?

The New Reality

The New Reality

I've said this before - but perhaps I need to say it again.

The Airline business is cyclical - boom to bust back to boom and then bust again.

It used to be that most people worked for seniority based Airline and rode out the boom to bust to boom cycle. I know people who were laid off for 5 years or were demoted from Captain to F/O with the cut in salary.

Today the trend is increasingly towards contract employment and at the newer Airlines seniority is increasingly irrelevant.

What has also changed is that there is no longer any job security - the "job for life" is something that no longer exists

The key to survival/success in todays' job market is marketability

This means you need to have the skills that the market demands. This means having the right ratings and preferably Command experience. In the current market (and the forseeable future) the highest demand is for experienced Type Rated Captains.

For people starting out the best strategy IMHO is to find the quickest way to get a Command on the A320/737NG and then you have a lot more options.

This may mean 5+ years of working at crap Airlines for crap terms and conditions. See this as a means to an end. Get what you need out of these companies then leave. Remember they're using you - use them right back :grijns:

You owe them nothing.

Don't think I haven't been there - my first full-time job was working on the ramp for C$660/mo + accomodation. I've worked my way up in this business.
Laatst bewerkt:
Gotta love this industry. Be willing to take it up the ass, then give it right back at 'm, soon as you are able to stand at your feet again w/o having a hard time walkn'.

What is the difference between pilots and prostitutes anyway ? lemme take a stab at it... Whores get paid good money while being bend over at work, while we as pilots are willing to pay for work, knowing we will be bending over for our boss for the next couple of years while being paid shit...

We as pilots are our own worst enemies. This industry is pathetic.

Winner in all of this crap is airline management. That simple.

and in the end of it all we are just simple busdrivers with our predecessors as the lucky ones who had the time (and dosh) of their life!
Do you wanna retire in the best possible way, you won't get there if you just sit on your ass and steer :dozey: