financiering - join the consortium for a better deal


New member
ClubAero is bezig een consortium vormen om met voldoende draagkracht naar een betere deal te kunnen zoeken.... doe je mee?

First candidate: his loan sum (ABN-AMRO) as wannabee in 2010 was 132,500 euro at 5 year fixed interest of 5.95%.

Currently he is a Ryanair FO with ca. 900 hrs, his outstanding loan is currently 118.400 euro. ABN-AMRO now offers loan extension for period of 1 to 10 years at 5,25% to 6,15%.

We think this is exorbitant! His risk profile is much lower than a wannabee and the market rates have also taken a dive to historic low levels today.

If you are in a similar position looking for a better loan, then please let us know. Send a PM with information about your risk profile, employer, income, current financier and current deal or fill in this form

We will get back to you with more news about our plans.
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Who are the persons behind this consortium? Do you mediate between "me" and the bank, or do they have money and you have a loan with the consortium?
What deal did the Ryanair FO got in the end?
For Jet Man - there is no catch. It is simply ar RYR FO who has being offered a bad deal by his bank. He has asked us to form a group to look for a better deal. The more FO's who join our group, the better the chance that we will be successful in negotiating a better deal - either with the same bank or with another bank.
For Maya - the persons behind the consortium are the pilots who have sent their email addresses to us or who have joined our facebook page:
Any idea about the deals you might be able to arrange? What percentage?
When do you expect to begin negotiating deals?
herfinanciering opleidingsleningen

herfinanciering opleidingsleningen

We hebben een verhaal gehoord van iemand die zijn lening in Duitsland heeft kunnen oversluiten voor 3% - geen idee of het klopt. Wel is het zo dat hoe meer aanmeldingen we krijgen, hoe sterker we in de onderhandelingen staan. Zie ook onze facebookgroep hier.

Ik hoop dat IEDEREEN die denkt om mee te doen het formulier wil invullen. Wij hebben de gegevens echt nodig om iets ervan te kunnen bakken. Je gegevens blijven absoluut vertrouwelijk. We zullen ze nooit aan derden doorgeven zonder jouw expliciete toestemming.