De-ice ongeluk DUB


New member
Zeer klote geluid, werd me vandaag op DUB tijdens de turn-around verteld dat er vandaag een de-icer 'in action' overleden was. Hij stond op zo'n truck z'n werk te doen terwijl z'n collega in de truck (nota bene: z'n vrouw) 'm per ongeluk onderuit reed en hij de metershoge val niet overleefde...

Iemand hier meer van gehoord? Heb er nog niks over gelezen. Extreem pijnlijk bericht. Men leeft mee met de betreffende vrouw, onvoorstelbare situatie.
Man dies in Dublin Airport accident

Wednesday, 19 March 2008 20:11

A 58-year-old man has been killed in an accident at Dublin Airport.

It is understood he sustained head injuries after falling while working on an aircraft at the SR Technics aircraft maintenance facility.

The accident happened while he was de-icing a Cityjet aircraft at around 4am.

He was treated by airport ambulance personnel at the scene, but was dead on admission to Beaumont Hospital.

His name has not yet been released.

An investigation is now underway. Two Health and Safety Authority inspectors examined the scene this morning.

SR Technics says that it is assisting in that investigation, and is providing support to the man's family.

It is understood that he had worked in aircraft maintenence at Dublin Airport for some time. His death is the 11th workplace fatality this year.

was daar in dublin. Vrouw bestuurde inderdaad de de icing truck> Blijkbaar is de bevestiging afgebroken van het bakje waarin hij stond en heeft hij de val niet overleefd.
Triest verhaal.