Amateurisme in de media

Kan iemand even de stekker uit RTL Nieuws trekken?

Kan iemand even de stekker uit RTL Nieuws trekken?

Boeing schiet door
'Passagiers van de heenvlucht hadden ons al gewaarschuwd'
Een inzittende van de Boeing 737 die gisteravond in Florida doorschoot op de landingsbaan en in het water terechtkwam, zegt dat de vlucht al onrustig was verlopen. "Passagiers van de heenvlucht hadden ons al gewaarschuwd dat de airco het niet deed."
De stekker eruit? Welnee, lachen gieren brullen en dan nog wel kosteloos! Maar niet ernstig nemen, uiteraard, integendeel.

Find the faults / zoek de fouten...

This is so inaccurate, it's hardly worth copy-ing.
Copyright? For this "t@sh" ? :rolleyes:

Sky News

Parts of WWII plane dug up in Ireland - nearly 80 years after it crashed

1 day ago

A Second World War plane has been dug up in the Republic of Ireland - the first time a licensed excavation of a US warplane has taken place.

The remaining parts of the P-38 Lightning aircraft were recovered near Castleblayney, County Monaghan, close to the Northern Irish border.

The aircraft crashed into a stony field on 17 December 1942, forcing its American pilot, 2nd Lt Milo E Rundall, to eject.

The 22-year-old from Iowa had left Langford Lodge, an RAF base on the eastern shore of Lough Neagh, not far from Belfast and Antrim, when he got lost.

He should have been returning home to his base at Londonderry Eglinton airbase, now Derry City Airport, but ended up over Irish airspace.

Surveyors from Queen's University Belfast and pupils from Foyle College in Derry and Ballybay Community College in Co Monaghan worked with officials from Monaghan County Museum to retrieve what was left of the twin-engine fighter on Saturday.

The Irish Defence Force recovered most of the wreckage in 1942, but a survey using ground-penetrating radar revealed earlier this year that some parts of the aircraft were still in the ground.

After the dig, Liam Bradley, curator of Monaghan County Museum, said: "This excavation will be the final project in our three-year examination of the impact of the Second World War on our border county."

"The retrieved items will be preserved and put on display as part of our nationally acclaimed exhibition The Monaghan Spitfire - Life On The Border With A World At War, which runs in the museum until the end of 2019."

Ireland was neutral in the war but thousands of allied personnel were based in Northern Ireland, which meant the countryside south of the border saw occasional incursions.

An earlier excavation in Monaghan in 1917 yielded a Battle of Britain Spitfire, which also came down in 1942.

2nd Lt Rundall continued his fighter pilot career, taking part in the North Africa campaign for the allies against Germany, but was shot down and taken prisoner in January 1943.
...ja ja...
Een Airprox Airbus Helicopters EC175 B,

met vijftien passagiers aan boord vloog onder instrumentvliegvoorschriften op 3000 voet boven de Noordzee. Plotseling moest de piloot een uitwijkmanoeuvre uitvoeren vanwege een F-16 die in de nabijheid van de helikopter kwam.
Op 27 juni gaat het mis als de Airbus Airprox-helikopter
met vijftien personen aan boord op ruim negenhonderd meter boven de Noordzee vliegt.
Onlangs werd gemeld dat het op 27 juni bijna mis ging toen de Airbus Airprox-helikopter met vijftien personen aan boord op ruim negenhonderd meter boven de Noordzee vloog.