ATIS met een extraatje

Sierra Mike Delta

New member
Deze ATIS (Capetown) kreeg een vriend vorige maand in de cockpit uitgedraaid.
Puur toeval want hij vroeg 'm zomaar voor de lol op (Zuid-Afrikaan).
Het nuttige met het aangename combineren..

Dat gebeurt wel vaker, in MUC staat er af en toe een aankondiging voor de "pilot-controler meeting" in de "Airbräu" op. Wel handig hoor!
Er is een bepaald veld in NL waar ze aan het eind van de Atis wel eens zetten:

"Approach is sponsored by gin tonic and coca cola, report on initial contact you have received information A"
257, do you have Charlie?
Tower, 257, negative, we left him back in the hangar!
257, do you have Echo?
Tower, 257, negative receiving you loud and clear!
257, do you have Hotel?
Tower, 257, negative we are staying with friends!
257, do you have Juliet?
Tower, 257, negative and please don’t tell anything to my wife!
257 do you have Kilo?
Tower, 257, negative, but we do have a few roaches in the ashtray!
257, do you have Mike?
Tower, 257, negative, I have a push-to-talk button and a headset!
257, do you have Oscar?
Tower, 257, negative, but I’m expecting a nomination this year!
257, do you have Papa?
Tower, 257, negative, but I wrote him a letter last week!
257, do you have Romeo?
Tower, 257, negative, negative! Wherefore art thou Romeo?
257, do you have Uniform?
Tower, 257, negative just jeans and sweatshirt!
257, do you have Victor?
Tower, 257, negative, who is Victor anyway?
257, do you have X-ray?
Tower, 257, negative my doctor wants a CAT-scan!
257, do you have Whiskey?
Tower, 257, negative, not in the last 8 hour, am I not on an assigned heading?