Survey: Promoting First Officers to Captains in the Aviation Industry

the Driver

New member
Dear colleagues, (Beste collega's,)

I hope you are doing well.

I am asking your attention for the following.

I am currently writing a thesis for an MSc in Air Transport Management at the City University in London.
Could you please help me by filling out a short survey and send the survey-link below to your (professional) pilot-colleagues?

The target group of this survey is: professional pilots.

This survey supports an MSc study into promotions of First Officers to Captains in the aviation industry. The study contains a research into alternative promotion methods for seniority (only) based promotion systems.

The survey can be accessed via the following link:

Filling in the survey will take only 5-10 minutes of your time.

I thank you in advance for your cooperation, your help is much appreciated.

With kind regards, (Met vriendelijke groet,)

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