klimmende/dalende bocht C172


New member
Bij de goedkoopste flight school in de wereld krijg ik les van Rod Machado. De volgorde van handelingen bij straight climbs en descents (pitch, power, trim) is duidelijk.
Maar zijn volgorde van handelingen om vanuit Straight&Level over te gaan naar een klimmende of dalende bocht komt in verschillende lessen ter sprake en lijkt mij niet overal even consequent. Maar dat kan aan mij liggen.

Zoals Rod het zegt :

climbing turn A
1. establish climb
....a. +13 degrees pitch
....b. after pitching up apply full power
....c. trim to maintain climb attitude
2. roll into desired bank (20 degrees)

maar elders verandert hij de volgorde en voegt stappen samen:

climbing turn B
1. a. roll into desired bank (20 degrees)
........at the same time
....b. pitch up to climb attitude
2. establish climb
....a. after pitching up apply full power
....b. trim to maintain climb attitude

Mijn vraag is nu:

geldt voor klimmende/dalende vluchten de regel:
- éérst klim/daling inzetten en (grof) aftrimmen
- dan pas de bocht inzetten
en zo ja, geldt dat voor zowel klimmende als dalende bochten?

Of moet ik het niet te benauwd zien en is methode A meer voor beginners die daarmee stapsgewijs de gang van zaken beter kunnen volgen en is zijn methode B meer voor gevorderden die enkele stappen kunnen combineren?

Of verschilt het weer per vliegschool en krijg ik gewoon waar voor m'n lage lesgeld?
Je hoeft je niet echt aan die pitch te houden.
Normaal vanuit straight and level een klimstand aannemen snelheid terug laten lopen tot klimsnelheid en dan vol vermogen verder klimmen en dan eventueel een bocht maken.

Naar mijn weten is methode A de meest gebruikte.

Of moet ik het niet te benauwd zien en is methode A meer voor beginners die daarmee stapsgewijs de gang van zaken beter kunnen volgen en is zijn methode B meer voor gevorderden die enkele stappen kunnen combineren?

Word je niet gek van die Rod met zijn eeuwige politiek correcte grappen? Voordeel, hij is idd erg cheap!
Volgens mij zeg je het hier precies goed. De twee instructeurs waar ik naast heb gezeten gaven het advies om het tegelijk te doen. Vooral als je een ROT en klim/daling tegen de tijd wil meten is het natuurlijk handig als je het tegelijkertijd doet.

Al solo geweest? ;)
Je hoeft je niet echt aan die pitch te houden.
Normaal vanuit straight and level een klimstand aannemen snelheid terug laten lopen tot klimsnelheid en dan vol vermogen verder klimmen en dan eventueel een bocht maken.

Naar mijn weten is methode A de meest gebruikte.


Ik zou eerlijk gezegd meteen die volle pot er op zetten zodra je omhoog pitched. Die snelheid loopt er toch wel rustigjes uit, en je wil niet per se met een constante vertical speed klimmen, maar gewoon zo snel mogelijk omhoog. (IMHO)

En ik doe zelf altijd gewoon maar wat. Even chairflyen...
met een soort kurkentrekkerbeweging (een deel daarvan dan he? Geen hele slag) trek ik de yoke initieel met twee handen naar rechtsachter, en aan het eind van die beweging geef ik gas bij. Ik geef zo te zien wel gas nadat ik al een duidelijk hogere pitch heb.

Het is volgens mij niet zo dat er een "zaligmakende" manier is om van de ene naar de andere vluchtfase te gaan....
Aangezien klimmende en dalende bochten voor veel studenten in het begin moeilijk zijn, denk ik dat Rod het in twee stappen probeert uit te leggen. In de "praktijk"zul je later zien dat je beide tegelijkertijd doet. Zowel klimmen als meteen een bocht inzetten.

Ik ben het eens met zijn manier, om als eerste een klimstand aan te nemen alvorens vol vermogen te geven. Alhoewel het in een klein propeller vliegtuig in de praktijk weinig verschil zal maken, welke methode je gebruikt. Later zul je merken, als je vliegtuigen met wat meer vermogen vliegt, dat als je meteen je klim power selecteert en dan pas gaat klimmen, je onnodig gaat accelereren. Dit is in de meeste gevallen trouwens geen groot probleem aangezien de snelheid er meestal meteen weer uit gaat zodra je gaat klimmen.

Bedenk trouwens, om het dalen, theoretisch goed te doen.. Eerst je power er vanaf halen, en dan rustig de neus laten zakken naar de verwachte pitch die je de juiste daalsnelheid zal geven. Dan trimmen. Het trimmen is naar mijn mening nog het belangrijkste van het verhaal. O ja, en als je gaat klimmen met vol vermogen in een propeller vliegtuig, gebruik je voeten, om dat balletje mooi in het midden te houden. Dat maakt het des te plezieriger voor de passagiers!
Rod Machado, heb nog wat cassette's van hem rondslingeren. Vond hem wel geinig. Idd net zo politiek correct als die twee dodo's King. (Quote: If you continue VFR into IFR conditions, you are in deeeeeep...... yoghurt)

Maar ja, les van George Carlin is misschien ook wel wat van het goede....
The only requirement for becoming a pilot are (1)that the body to be warm, (2) that the eyes be able to see lightening, (3) that the ears be able to hear thunder, (4) and that the mind be able to count to four. It's true that we only need to be able to count to four, and in some cases if we can count to three or two, that will suffice.
For example, we are aware that there are only four forces acting on the airplane at any given time: (1) lift, (2) gravity, (3) thrust and (4) drag. There are only three axes about which these forces act: (1) lateral, (2) vertical and (3) longitudi¬nal.We note there are only four funde¬mental phases of flight: (1) straight and level, (2) climbs, (3) glides and (4) turns. We find it is impossible to operate in more than two phases of flight simultane¬ously. It's obvious that we cannot fly straight and level and climb, glide and turn simultaneously. We can however (1) fly straight and level or we can (2) make climbing or gliding turns. When we do these sophisticated maneuvers we do so by changing one or a combination of only three variables that we as pilot have at our command:
(1)pitch, (2) power and (3) bank. For example when we discuss power it is one of two conditions, either (1) fixed or (2) in transition from one powersetting to another. When we make a power change, at that instant it is in transit from one setting to the other, and it becomes fixed when we set the throttle and leave it alo¬ne. Also when the engine quits we have a fixed power setting. ZERO. Let's look at how we pilots fly our aircraft (or how we think we fly it). When we do that difflcult maneuver of flying straight and level, what do we do?
(1)Do we maintain airspeed with the elevator (pitch) and altitude with the thro¬ttle (power), or
(2)Do we maintain airspeed with the throttle (power) and altitude with the ele¬vator (pitch)?
As we progress in our flying we are going to try to perform another difficult maneuver, to climb at a constant rate of climb with a constant airspeed.
(1) Do we maintain the airspeed with the elevator and the rate of climb with the throttle, or
(2) Do we maintain the airspeed with the throttle and the rate of climb with the elevator?
We are now going to proceed to that most difficult maneuvre, the precision ILS approach. When making the ILS ap¬proach:
(1) Do we stay on the glide slope with pitch and maintain the airspeed with po¬wer ,or
(2) Do we stay on the glide slope with power and maintain airspeed with pitch?
As we search for an answer to our first set of questions, think back to the last time you taxied out onto the runway and vigorously pumped the elevators in an attempt to make the airplane fly. Absurd? Yes! What we all do to make that piece of metal go faster, is add power. When the numbers on the other side of the run¬way become bigger, we normally make a pitch change to change our altitude. When we fly straight and level and we want to go faster or slower we change the position of our “go”lever, and if we want to descend or climb we merely pull or push on our “attitude changer”. The only time we can conceive of the elevator controlling the airspeed is at a fixed po¬wer setting of ZERO or during a full thr¬ottle take-off.
The same facts hold true in answering our second set of questions. We maintain the airspeed with the throttle (power) and the rate of climb with the "attitude chan¬ger" the elevator (pitch). Envision that you are climbing to a different altitude and wish to level off. As we approach that altitude do you stop your rate of climb by reducing power or do you chan¬ge your attitude (pitch) to level and then wait for speed to build to cruise speedbefore reducing the power?
Since we have used the term rate of cli¬mb let's briefly discuss the “rate of cli¬mb"”indicator.This instrument is really misnamed if you still call it a rate of climb indicator. What does it really tell us? It tells us (1) our rate of climb "up", (2) our rate of climb "down" or (3) that we are neither going up or down. There¬fore the instrument is really telling us what our vertical velocity rate is and sho¬uld be called a Vertical Velocity Indica¬tor.
As we get back to our subject in this di¬scussiori as to “what controls airspeed” and “what controls the rate of climb”, we can take some pointers from the la¬dies who participate in the "Powder Puff Derdy".
When the ladies are trying to get from one point to the other in the shortest pos¬sible time, what position is the go lever in? Of course it is full forward, and that certainly is not for the purpose of gaining altitude. If you were to talk to one of the ladies who just missed winning the race, what do you think she would like to say more than any thing else? You guessed it
She wants a bigger engine with more horsepower and not so that she can climb faster, but so she can go faster.
The answer to our last pair of questions can be best detected bv a flight down the ILS. We've got it "wired"(needles cente¬red) when we notice the airspeed is 15 knots slow. Do we solve the problem bv shoving the nose down to regain our airspeed? Heck no! We add power. Or if while making the approach we suddenly notice the glide slope needle has just hit the stops in the “up” position. Do you add power? All you would do is hit the ground sooner harder and even more short of the intended touchdown point. Instead you make an attitude change with a pitch up, combined with an application of power to maintain the airspeed.
From all this we can see that unless we have a fixed power setting of zero or full, we control the airspeed with the thr¬ottle and altitude with elevator.
We do have another "attitude changer" in our ailerons in that they can change us from "wings level" to one of the wings being not so level. However in order not to confuse ourselves we refer to this atti¬tude change as a bank change.
"So what is the rudder for? If you think the rudder is for turning the airplane you have just dated yourself. Take a look at the instrument which we will call a "nee¬dle and ball". When the aircraft is ban¬ked with the ailerons the needle moves. The steeper the bank the more the needle moves off center. Meanwhile, what has happened to the ball? It has gone somew¬here else too and you feel that things are not right. Take another look at the tube in which the ball is located. Somewhere near its center are two thin black lines. Now all you have do is apply rudder pre¬ssure on the same side as the ball is loca¬ted from the center of the tube, to place the ball back between the black lines on the tube. Therefore it can be seen that the "needle and ball" is in fact a turn coordinator or turn quality controller.
The real trick is to master the art of ma¬king turns in such a manner that the black ball remains between the lines thro¬ughout the maneuver.

The entire content can be summed up with the following simple statements:
(1) The throttle controls airspeed,
(2) The elevator controls the attitude and hence the altitude, (3) The ailerons bank the aircraft (make it turn) and (4) The rudder controls "turn quality".

We know all this and we still have not had to count to more than four.

Meer food for thought....
Sorry Diana dat ik het hier even volprop, maar misschien is dit voor iemand van interesse. Bij mij vergaren ze alleen maar stof op mijn harde schijf

A simple way to manage
instruments for IFR flights.

You're screaming through the clouds at 120 knots. Visibility: 2,5 feet-the distance from your eyes to the windsreen. The only clue you have to where you are and where you're going is the dazzling array of gauges and needles slow dancing on the instrument panel. Your job: keep the airplane right side up and find a cloud blanketed run¬way some 100 miles distant and 3000-5000 feet below.
"Now let's see. We want a clim¬bing turn. So the attitude indi¬cator is primary for pitch as I begin the turn. No wait, is this going to be constant speed cli¬mb? Then it would be suppor¬ting. But that's only as I'm esta¬blishing the climb, after that it is suppporting. No, is that right?
Learning to fly an airplane un¬der IFR conditions is conside¬red by many pilots to be one of the true challenges of aviation. The fact of this is borne out by the require¬ments for the instru¬ment rating-40 hours of simula¬ted IFR or as much as the re¬quirements for the Private Pilot license.
As with all flying, our goal in instrument flying shou¬ld be to keep it simple. After all, if we keep it simple, then our work load is reduced. And if our workload is reduced, then we are less likely to get behind the airplane and into trouble. The ideal situation for the IFR pilot is just to monitor the airplane-its performance and systems-to make sure that everything is going right. Our job is easiest when we scan the instruments, find that the airplane is doing what we want it to do and don't have to make any adjust¬ments. This sounds great but how do we make it happen?
There are two skill areas that lay the founation of IFR flight. The first is basic attitude instru¬ment flying and the second is what one calls aircraft manage¬ment.Master these and your ability to monitor the airplane improves greatly.
The generalized concept of ba¬sic attitude instrument flying includes scanning the instru¬ments, interpreting the indications to understand what the airplane is doing and applying the proper control to make the airplane do what we want.
There are two basic attitude instrument flying techniques taught today. One is endorsed by the FAA, the other by the military. Both methods adress the same task, they are both adequate for flight under IFR. However, one technique is ea¬sier to understand.
The military approach to basic attitude instrument flying is much easier to understand and to apply than the FAA techni¬que.The instruments are divided into two categories-control and performance. Performance in¬struments tell us whether the airplane is doing what we want. If not, the con¬trol instruments are used to make necessary changes. These un¬changing categories simplify the task of understanding your instru¬ments during IFR flight.
The control instruments are the attitude indicator and tachome¬ter (manifold pressure for a con¬stant speed propellor). Alti¬meter and VSI measure up and down performance, the directi¬onal gyro and turn coordinator measure directional performan¬ce and the airspeed indicator serves as a cross-check on both pitch and power.
Let's take the case of a standard rate, constant altitude turn. The military or control/performance technique star¬ts with the attitude indicator-roll inthe required amount of bank on this instru¬ment for a stand¬ard rate turn. Now scan the turn coordinator to see if we have a standard rate. Scan back to the attitude indicator and make any neces¬sary adjustment. Next check the altimeter to verify constant altitude and scan back to the attitude indicator to make any required pitch changes. Scan the air¬speed indicator and then go to the tachometer and make any re¬quired power adjust¬ments. Ag¬ain, the control instruments are used to make the adjustment (control inputs) and the performance instruments tell us whether the airplane is doing what we want it to do.
The simplicity of the con¬trol/performance technique stems from the understanding that pitch plus power equals performance. For example at a specified pitch angle and po¬wer setting an airplane will climb at a known airspeed and rate of climb. So, using the con¬trol/performance method to initiate a climb, all we do is pitch the nose up to the proper angle, adjust the power to the proper setting and we get the desired climb rate and air¬speed.

The sequence for the instru¬ment scan is another area of debate among instructors. Most teach the use of the atti¬tude indicator as the focal point of the scan, because it gives the most pertinent infor¬mation about what the aircraft is doing. Beyond this agree¬ment, there is much debate. Some in¬structors teach to scan one instrument, recheck the attitude indicator, check the next instru¬ment and re¬check the attitude indicator and so on. The trick is to perform the appropriate cross che¬cks in case one instru¬ment fails. For example, if the directional gyro tells us we are turning but the turn gyro and attitude gyro show indicatons of str¬aight and level flight, then we should seriously ques¬tion wh¬ether the directional gyro is working properly.
With this point in mind, some instructors prefer checking two instruments before returning to the attitude indicator. if we se¬quentially check instruments that give the same information, it's easier to find the discrepan¬cies between them. For exam¬ple, start with the attitude indi¬cator check the altimeter and VSI as a cross-check on pitch and go back to the attitude indi¬cator to make any adjustments. Next look at the airspeed indi¬cator and power (manifold pressure or tachome¬ter), make any necessary power changes and return to the attitude indicator.
As a pilot gains experience, the exact sequence of the scan will evolve and change. Pilots with hundreds of hours of instrument flying experience seem to have the ability to see and interpret the entire instrument panel as a whole without focusing on each instrument. The bottom line is to cross-check properly the instruments and stick with a scan technique that works.
Now that we have a handle on the basics of scan, interpret and control, let's take a look at how this is applied to airplane mana¬gement.There are an infinite number of variables that affect airplane performance. As long as these are allowed to change,flying is very complica¬ted and difficult. For example, there are countless different combinations of airspeed and power settings that result in descent. Superimpose on these an infinite number of trim set¬tings and we can make a simple descent a near-impossible task that requires all our attention and focus. But if we choose to limit the variables, we can make aconstant-airspeed, constant-rate descent as simple as a minor power reduction. Considering an entire IFR flight where we climb, fly level, de¬scend and perform precission approaches, we see that this performance of variables could keep us quite busy. The key to overcoming this problem lies in a analysis of our aircraft mana¬gement and eliminating some of the variables.
IFR can be divided into six dif¬ferent performance regimes-or six flight configurations. These include climb, cruising straight and level, cruise descent, flying level at approach speed (as when level at MDA in a holding patern or maneuvering for an approach), precision approach descent and non precision ap¬proach descent. If we can de¬termine the proper attitudes and power settings for each of these six configurations, then the pro¬cess of transition from one to another becomes quite simple. Furthermore, if we apply some logic to airspeed and aircraft configuration used for these six regimes, then we gain an even fuller understanding of the air¬plane and what it is doing.
One important concept to un¬derstand is that the elevator trim affects airspeed. If we ad¬just trim for a certain airspeed in level flight and change the power setting, the airplane will either climb or descend as it tries to maintain the same air¬speed at the new powerset¬ting.This concept can be used to our advantage¬.The fewer speed changes we use, the fe¬wer trim adjustments one needs to make.In fact, it is pos¬sible to complete an entire IFR flight touching the trim only twice.
Let's begin our aircraft mana¬gement analysis with cruise and cruise descent.Cruise is what we do most of the flight. We simply hold altitude and perform standard rate turns as we proceed from point of de¬parture to our destination. 65-75% in cruise will give adequa¬te cool¬ing. In a C172 we can choo¬se 2300 rpm and 100 KI¬AS. These numbers are approximate and will vary with density altitude and weight. Why change speed during des¬cent and not maintain 100 kts.? Just reduce to 2000rpm and we have a 500¬fpm de¬scent.look mom, no han¬ds!
Next, consider the climb.In our light aircraft we perform our climbs at best rate. So let's choo¬se 80kts. with full throttle and 10 pitch nose up. The approach phase of a flight is a period of high work load for the pilot and easing that workload figures prominently in the selection of a common air¬speed for all the approach configurations. 80 kts. can be a good choice for the C172. Re¬alize that one of the most criti¬cal phases in a flight can be the transition from an approach descent to missed approach. We suddenly find¬ that we aren't going to land and must divert our attention to a missed approach procedu¬re. This can be a hectic period and anything we can do to re¬duce our workload to a minimum is wel¬comed. So, commom speed and flap set¬ting for the approach descents as we do for the climb-80kts., flaps up. If we do this then all there is to transition to the missed approach is to push the the throttle full
forward. No retrimming, no moving the flaps-just push the thr¬ottle in and go. Eighty knots is also within the flaps opera¬ting range, making it easy to chop the power, add flaps and land the airplane if the approach does work for us.
Choosing 80 kts. as the appro¬ach speed also makes sense from the point of view that an indicated airspeed of 80 kts. in many conditions of altitude and temperature corresponds to a true airspeed of ap¬proximately 90 kts.-one of the approach speeds listed on the approach plates.this makes calculating our missed approach timing a trivial matter.
To prepare yourself for effecti¬vely managing your airplane, put together a table and per¬form an analysis for your aircraft under various flight conditions. Fly your aircraft under VFR on a smo¬oth day, determine the proper power settings and con¬figuration and then record the information on the table. These power settings will only be ap¬proximate figures and will vary. But they are usually within 100 rpm and you can make minor adjustments.Of course the po¬wer setting for the precission approach will be a starting point for no wind conditions and slight corrections will have to be maintained to stay on the glide slope.
Whether you fly IFR or VFR, your ability to control the air¬plane smoothly and focus on other aspe¬cts of the flight will impro¬ve greatly as you learn to effi¬ciently manage the aircraft. The overal result is a safer more relaxing experience in the cock¬pit.

Flight instruments are divided into 2 categories

-Control instruments: Attitude indicator and the RPM or Manifold Pressure

These instruments show the results from the input with the flight controls.
They tell us what the aircraft is doing.

-Performance Instruments:

Airspeed Indicator (to crosscheck on both pitch
and power)

Altimeter and VSI (measure up and down per-
formance and is controlled by the elevator.)

Directional Gyro and Turn Coordinator
( measure directional performance and is controlled
by ailerons and rudder.)

Performance controls speed and affects altitude or vertical speed
Elevator controls altitude and vertical speed and affects speed

Are you able to maintain altitude and to slow down without touch-
ing the throttle?
Are you able to increase your speed and maintaining your altitude
with your elevator (and not touch the elevator)?

The following procedural steps are used for basic aircraft control:

1. Establish an attitude and/or power setting on the control instruments
which should result in the desirewd performance.

2. Trim until control pressures are neutralized

3. Check the performance instruments if the aircraft is doing what you want
it to do.

4. Make adjustments on the control instruments if necessary.


There is no specific scan one can
learn, proper scanning techniques
come with experience.

Try to control your aircraft as direct as possible!

Example: don't use your throttle to control altitude.
don't use your elevator to control speed.