GA Atlantic crossing

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Als ik op DEZE (spotters) site kijk, dan vliegt er nogal wat klein spul over (en weer) de grote plas ;)
PRACHTIG ! Zal ik dolgraag een keer mee-maken.
Enige tips waar je hiervoor terecht kan ?
Groet :biertje:
Ben ook erg nieuwsgierig GBOF, kun je mij ook zo'n mailtje sturen ? (of het gewoon hier posten, maar je zult wel een goede reden hebben om dat niet te doen).
Al zal het voor mij er wel nooit van komen, het blijft een soort ultieme droom.

Ik heb het een aantal keer in Twin Otters, Do228s en een C421 gedaan en vond die toestellen wel eigenlijk klein genoeg. Het is een gebied waar je toch wel wat respect voor moet hebben en dan heb ik het nog niet eens over het weer. Narsarsuaq, een alternate in Groenland, ligt diep in een fjord en heeft alleen een NDB approach met minimums van zo'n 1500 ft. Het weer is er heel grillig: ene moment CAVOK en daarna uren potdicht in de mist. Ik weet alleen al van twee Nederlanders die in de afgelopen drie jaar de overkant niet hebben gehaald in single-engine pistons...

Toegegeven, met het juiste materiaal (minimaal pressurised twin turboprop imho) kan het een prachtige trip zijn!

de inhoud van de pm even hier plaatsen ?

Ik heb Boermans de details gegeven van een owner die eerdaags z'n omgebouwde (piston ---> Turbine) PA46 (JetPROP DLX) terug gaat vliegen.

Het lijkt mij NIET de bedoeling om deze owner te overdonderen met allerlei verzoekjes.
Ik was ook alleen nieuwsgierig, meer om wat te dagdromen dan dat het er oot echt van zal komen.


Dagdromen mag altijd.
Alhoewel met een beetje doorzettingsvermogen moet het mogelijk zijn om een oversteek mee te maken.

Neen heb je en ja kun je krijgen.
De aanhouder wint zullen we maar zeggen.

Anders kun je altijd nog op Goose (CYYR) of Gander (CYXQ) gaan staan liften :cool:

No Guts, No Glory
Er staan een groot aantal foto's en vele verhalen op deze website:

Gewoon even zoeken op de thread "ferry flights". Ik geloof dat de meeste posts gedaan worden door ferry-pilots en door de eigenaar van het ferry-bedrijf. Wellicht is er met deze man wel iets te regelen voor wat betreft het meevliegen.

Twee Atlantic (ferry flight) crashes deze week

Twee Atlantic (ferry flight) crashes deze week

Een slechte periode om lichte vliegtuigen over de Atlantische Oceaan te vliegen...

12 februari 2008:

At 15:50 local time, contact was made with RKV ICG centre from a Cessna 310, N5030Q, arriving from Narsarsuaq, which had lost power in one of its engines, 60 miles off Keflavik. In an effort to pump fuel between tanks its feared both engines failed and the pilot had to rely on gliding the aircraft. At the time he was decending through 7000 ft heading towards Reykjavik.

RKV ATC Centre inisiated emergency status in KEF and the ICG Centre sent its Super Pumas, TF-GNA and TF-LIF out to the incident site.

At 16:10 the Cessna 310 disappeared from radar, around 50 miles from Keflavik.

A Challenger 604 from the Danish Air Force was sent straight to the scene of the incident and a full search was carried out from that point.

TF-LIF arrived at the scene around 17:00. No sighting of the Cessna 310 had been made and no signal from the energency transmitter was noticed.

Three trawlers which were near the scene of the incident where called immediately into action and a full scale search was underway. A Cessna 172 aircraft was also involved in the search operation as well as various rescue boats from Slysavarnarfelagid Landsbjorg.

ICGs own F27 TF-SYN was sent out as a surveillance aircraft to replace the efforts of the DAF CL604. A patrol vessel from the ICG was also sent out to help the search efforts.

From a Ferry Pilot website;

Pretty much worse case scenerio. High seas, ice cold water, gliding a dead stick C-310 into 40 foot swells. (a friend of the pilot lost) NW said he didn't start drinking until 3 hours after the crash -- survival time in the water is estimated at 2 hours maximum, in a survivor suit. The name of the pilot was Jeff Hall and helped NW get in the business.

Raise a toast to a brave man, gents....

21 februari 2008:

An international search is on for a veteran Spring Hill pilot who went down Thursday morning in a severe storm off the coast of Iceland.

Greg Frey, 66, was traveling from Reykjavik to Scotland in a Piper Warrior, N60842, single-engine plane when he made a mayday call to report "severe icing on the plane's control surfaces," according to a news release issued Thursday from the United Kingdom Defense Ministry.

Frey told traffic controllers that he was "ditching" the plane about 100 miles south of Iceland, the release states.

He was wearing a survival suit that could offer some protection from the icy waters, according to the release.

He also had a life raft aboard the plane, according to Greg Frey Jr., Frey's son, who flew Thursday from California to Spring Hill to be with family members while awaiting updates on the search.

Frey had an emergency transponder that sent a distress signal after the crash, which confirmed that the plane was in the water, according to the defense ministry release.

The Royal Air Force launched its Nimrod aircraft to join the Iceland Coast Guard in the search. This evening, no trace of the plane, or Frey, has been found.

"The weather conditions are very bad with heavy thunderstorms and 20-foot swells," a RAF spokesman said in the release. "We always try to remain optimistic on these occasions, but this is very much a race against time to find the pilot. You have to be realistic as well as hopeful."

Family members have gathered at the Spring Hill home that Frey shares with his wife Maureen, awaiting word from U.S. embassies and the Iceland Coast Guard.

Among them was Frey Jr., who said the news that the distress beacon sounded for more than an hour after the crash is encouraging.

"That means he survived the impact," Frey Jr. said. "That's giving us some hope."

The search had been halted until dawn, Greg Jr. said this afternoon.

The family has gotten calls from the American Consulate and the American Red Cross. A spokesman for U.S. Rep. Ginny Brown-Waite said today that the Brooksville Republican was doing what she could to ensure the lines of communication remained open.

Frey's ultimate destination was Germany, where he planned to deliver the Piper to its new owner. He works for Globe Aero Ltd., a Lakeland-based firm that specializes in ferrying planes throughout the world.

Frey, who'd worked for the company for about a year, left Lakeland on Monday and headed up the East Coast to Bangor, Maine, Globe Aero President Phil Waldman said.

Frey then flew into Canada, across Greenland and on to Iceland, where he ran into storm delays and spent three days "waiting for the weather to move out of his way," Waldman said.

Frey took off Thursday and likely encountered that same storm system, Waldman said. Ice on the wings slows an airplane down, forcing the pilot to descend, he said.

Waldman acknowledged this afternoon that, nearly 36 hours after the crash, it would be "a miracle" if Frey is found alive.

"The North Atlantic is not forgiving," he said.

Waldman and others reached today described Frey as the most competent of pilots, a man with a serious love for flying and an easygoing personality.

He started flying at the age of 16, when he left a job in a steel mill to pursue a career in commercial aviation, Frey Jr. said.

He retired at age 60 after flying commercial planes for 34 years. He kept flying, though, doing aerial photography for a real estate company and working as a private pilot for a real estate developer before taking the job with Globe Aero, Frey Jr. said.

"It wasn't a job, it was a passion," he said. "It was something he loved second to his family."

Frey also is well-known in the local aviation community. He is a former board member of the Hernando County Aviation and Airport Authority and an active member in the Experimental Aircraft Association's Hernando County chapter.

Frey was instrumental in securing a hangar at the county airport for the chapter, fellow EAA member Bernie Berger said.

Berger described Frey as "an idea man."

"He has an ability to get people together," Berger said.

Frey, who owns a single-engine Cessna, also works to instill a love of flying in young people as an active member of the Young Eagles program. He and other EAA members recently made plans to visit local schools to talk about the joys of aviation and the career opportunities in the field, Berger said.

Greg and Maureen Frey moved to Spring Hill in 1981. They have another son, Chris, and two daughters, Megan and Lisa.

The couple would celebrate their 33rd wedding anniversary on March 2 and Frey's 67th birthday two days later.

Frey Jr. said the family knew the possible perils of crossing the ocean in a single-engine plane.

"Everybody understood the risk, and we had confidence in him," he said, "but sometimes situations tend to be out of our hands."

weet iemand nog de link naar de weblog van een ferry piloot? Die stond hier ooit op het board maar ik kan het draadje niet terugvinden.