Paris for president!



She has my vote!


Hillary Clinton, watch out: there might be a woman in the White House after all. Paris Hilton is now running for president of the United States of America. OK, not really. But after John McCain released an ad that compared Barack Obama to celebrities like Britney Spears and Ms. Hilton, Paris threw her hat into the ring, too. She put out her own political ad—it went viral so quickly that it's been watched by more than 5 million people. "I want America to know that I'm, like, totally ready to lead," the heiress says. That got us thinking: what would a Paris Hilton administration actually look like? Adam McKay, founder of the site, which put together the Paris video and is working on a followup, shared some of his ideas with NEWSWEEK's Ramin Setoodeh:

1. The White House would become the Pink House. "I think she'd do everything pink," McKay says. "It would be pink on the outside, pink carpets, pink furniture, pink jammies. The men on her staff would be cool with it—they'd be shirtless Chippendale types, with names like Leon."

2. 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue would become more Parisian in other ways. "Instead of a bowling alley in the basement of the White House, Paris would have a Pilates studio. And, oh, yeah, she'd have foam parties in the Oval Office for the White House staff and old girlfriends from boarding school."

3. Press conferences would be held red-carpet style. "She would answer all questions while walking and posing for a wall of photographers, and they'd be yelling out, 'Paris, look here! Paris, what about rumors of a trade embargo with North Korea!?' "

4. Of course, she'd answer other questions, too. "The first half of every conference would be about what she's wearing. Paris would realize that as president she would have to tone it down a little. She'd lean toward Prada."

5. Her vice president, Rihanna, would be ideal for handling difficult diplomatic situations. "What would happen is, Rihanna would step off the plane in fishnet stockings, music would blare, and whole countries would melt at the sight of her."

6. The president would handle many of her duties from Los Angeles. "It would be like Bush at the Crawford Ranch. She would be in L.A. more than she would in Washington, D.C."

7. And foreign diplomats would definitely want to party with Paris. "She would replace the cabins at Camp David with cabanas—and topless would be optional for all world leaders, which would be horrifying but very European."
Echt, waar bemoeit ze zich mee, laat haar lekker de domkop uit blijven hangen.

Denk niet dat mevrouw Hilton het ook serieus bedoelt, het was meer een reactie op McCain, die Obama met Paris Hilton vergeleek.

Dit is wel het eerste positieve van Mevr. PH (Hmm, waar ken ik die afkorting toch van) die ik in de afgelopen jaren heb gezien. De rest was alleen maar erg en nog erger, hier werkt ze nog mee aan wat politiek getinte humor. Dit komt recht in McCains gezicht terug, dus :p:

OK, IQ inschatting bijstellen: van 67 naar 68 :p: