A "Shorts" Story

vind het wel een grappig verhaal,gevonden op het internet!

An Eagle crew came up with a novel idea to play a trick on a new-hire flight attendant. In order to understand this story you need to know a few things about the Shorts 360:
1) It has two doors to the cockpit, one on each side, for the captain and the first officer.
2) There is ground escape hatch right above the FO's head.
3) The Shorts is slow and unpressurized so quite frequently crews will fly with the captains (quite large) window open.
4) There is room to hide a small person behind and underneath the FO's seat. The jumpseat is behind the captain's.
5) At any time the Flight Attendant can pick up the interphone and here what the pilots are saying (and also ATC).
On a rainy, icy, IMC evening flight from JFK to Providence, the crew decided to play a trick. The FO hid behind his seat and the captain called the FA. "Hey I need your help. First of all, please stay calm." "Why? What's Wrong?!?!"
"Please come up to the cockpit and on your way please look out the window and see if you see the First Officer anywhere."
"What? He's outside?" said the startled FA.
"Yes. I sent him out to do a routine ice inspection on the wings and he hasn't returned. It's been about five minutes and he's usually back by now. See if you can spot him. Maybe he's stuck somewhere."
Well of course she was unbelieving so she ran up to the cockpit and opened the captain's door. Peering over him she saw that the seat was empty and the handle for the escape hatch was turned a quarter turn.
"Is that safe?" she asked, pointing to the escape hatch. "Well he has to be able to get back in!" replied the captain.
Convinced now that the FO may actually be outside the plane she proceeded to go back to her seat while peering out the windows, drawing some strange looks from the passengers. Reaching her seat she got on the phone. Meanwhile the FO was back in his seat ready to imitate the company dispatcher on the radio. "Did you see him?" "No! He wasn't anywhere!" "OK well I guess I better call Dispatch and see what's up" (sounds of dispatch being rung up using the keypad on the mic).
FO: "Eagle calling Dispatch go ahead"
CA: "Dispatch this is Eagle 555 and we have a problem. I sent the FO out to do a routine ice check per special memo 42-1 and he hasn't returned in over 10 minutes. Any idea how I should proceed?"
FO: "Stand by"
The FO and Captain took off their headsets and discussed their plan!
FO: "Eagle 555 has your Flight Attendant had wing walking training?" (sound of gasp from the FA)
CA: "Ah no she's a new-hire, I doubt she's had that yet."
FO: "Stand by"
More laughter as they take off their headsets again.
FO: "Eagle 555 do you think she could keep the plane flying while you take a look?" (a startled "No WAY!" from the FA)
CA: "Ah no I don't think that'd work either"
FO: "Stand by"
One more conference on the final blow.
FO: "Eagle 555, we'll have a new FO ready for you in Providence, have to assume we lost one. In the meantime you better get the FA up there so she can learn how to land that thing while you handle the radios."
CA: "OK Dispatch, wilco. I'll get her up here. See ya"
FO: "Good Luck Captain" <click>
So the captain says over the interphone, "You heard that?" She replies very shakily, "Yeeeaaaah, I'm on my way up there..."
At this point the captain throws open his window (making a LOT of noise) and says, "Oh wait! Here he is! Come on up and see!" The FO hurriedly dons his coat and poors his entire water bottle over his hair. She makes it to the door and stares at him. "Sorry I took so long, I had to chip some ice off the tail!"
The best part of the story is that they never told the poor girl what happened. The author found out about this story for the first time while sitting in the crew lounge in Hartford, hearing the girl complaining that she didn't think she was cut out for this job, 'We almost lost our FO the other night!". You can imagine the rest! The author got the rest of the story from the captain who thought this up, who for obvious reasons wants to remain anonymous!

hahaha, echt goed dit!!!

wat een grap, hoe kom je er op! GEWELDIG!!
Nog meer mensen met zulke verhalen :D :D :D :rt:
Holding short voor 9R in Ft Lauderdale.. en a shorts 360 op short final die we niet zagen... Ik spring op de radio en told the female controller that we were ready for departure...
Haar antwoord: I will get you off when I get my shorts down,
caused a riod op the frequentie...echt erg grappig
een andere die we vaak hoorde als je langs een grote jet taxide was: Did you make that yourself?? met het antwoord: Yes we did ,we used the parts we found on the runway after your last landing !!!!


-the only Aircraft with birdstrikes from the back
-Irish Concorde
-winnebago of the sky
Wat een fantastisch verhaal. Die heeft het woord "dom blondje"uitgevonden denk. Fantastisch. Toen ze thuis kwam denk een fles whiskey opgezopen en twee dikke cubaanse sigaren...uhhh....opgerookt. :grijns:
MIA tower: "You´re following a Shorts 360 on a 2 mile final, report in sight"

Antwoord: "Ok, we just had him in sight, but we lost him over the trailerpark." :grijns: