Noordzee off shore vliegers?

Gone Birdy

New member
Ik zou graag in contact willen komen met Noordzee off shore piloten. Met name piloten die vanuit Den Helder opereren.
Vlieg je er zelf of ken je iemand dan hoor ik het graag.

The pilots with CHC Helikopter Service AS fly anywhere from 200 to 800 flight hours annually. This has no impact on base salary, as the customer pay for the availability of services in cases of SAR or various types of stand by systems.

The average earnings of a pilot including overtime pay, per diem, and selling some of his free days:
* Co-pilot, 1 year seniority € 100.000.
* Captains, € 200.000.

We have approx. 45 pilots involved in offshore duty, such as shuttle and SAR.

This group of pilots will often fly only 1-3 hrs each day, even though the shuttle pilots at Ekofisk will be quite a lot busier.

Offshore allowances are as follows per day:
* Availability period up to 12 hrs: € 200 daily.
* Availability period up to 13 hrs: € 260 daily.
* Availability period up to 14 hrs: € 310 daily.
* Availability period 14-24 hrs: € 470 daily.

A full time offshore system entails 151 working days annually. If flying comination duty 50% offhore / 50% onshore, then you work 161 days.

Some challenges for applicants from other countries:
* Following 100 % support the first 60 working days, no financial support for commuting or housing will be offered when working at your home base.
* The climate in western Norway is fairly mild, but is far from perfect if you want to get a tan.
* Beer is so expensive that it is almost fun to write home about....


Chairman Helikopter Service AS Pilots Association (HSF)

Took this post from PPRUNE. Note they will need another 80 pilots in Norway over the next 30 months.......

Het land van melk en honing heeft 60 kilometer kust :passed:

Aangezien er binnen de territoriale wateren geen boorplatforms e.d. staan :grijns:, blijven offshore (heli) operaties beperkt tot:

Search and Rescue (RBAF)
Polution Control