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The Co-pilot
By Keith Murray (Capt Colonial Airlines).
Written in 1941 and first published in October 1942 in
"The Airline Pilot" the monthly magazine of US ALPA.

I am the co-pilot, I sit on the right,
It’s up to me to be quick and bright;
I never talk back for I have regrets,
But I have to remember what the Captain forgets.

I make out the flight plan and study the weather,
Pull up the gear, stand by to feather;
Make out the mail forms and do the reporting;
And fly the old crate while the Captain is courting.

I take the readings, adjust the power,
Put on the heaters when we’re in a shower;
Tell him where we are on the darkest of night,
And do all the bookwork without any light.

I call for my Captain and buy him cokes;
I always laugh at his corney jokes;
And once in a while when his landings are rusty,
I always come through with, "By gosh it’s gusty".

All in all I’m a general stooge,
As I sit on the right of the man I call "Scrooge";
I guess you think this is past understanding,
But maybe some day he will give me a landing.
Hmm, ik dacht dat de co pilot maar 3 dingen mocht zeggen?

Yes, sir!

Nice landing, sir!

I'll take the fat one, sir!
ja idd, ook meteen duidelijk waarom de Co 3 strepen heeft (staat voor Ik Doe Alles)
en de captain 4 (Ik Verdien Het Meest). ;)
Oh? Ik dacht dat het was:
Co-piloot: ik weet niets
Captain: ik weet helemaal niets
Eigenlijk verdient die er 5:
Ik Maak Het Bed Op
Last edited:
2 Strepen: ik kan lezen of schrijven
3 Strepen: ik kan lezen en schrijven
4 Strepen: ik ken iemand die kan lezen en schrijven

Zo wordt het tenminste hier in Oostenrijk uitgelegd ;)